About TGS

TGS provides scientific data and intelligence to companies active in the energy sector.


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TGS also offers specialized services such as advanced processing and analytics alongside cloud-based data applications and solutions.

Articles & News

Courtesy TGS
Renewable Energy

TGS details wind measurement goals offshore California

June 26, 2024
TGS has committed to a new campaign for offshore wind and metocean measurement off the US West Coast.
Courtesy TGS

Tanzania’s government appoints TGS to manage and license offshore data

June 21, 2024
TGS will manage and license Tanzania’s offshore subsurface data under an agreement with the country’s Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority.
Courtesy TGS
Company News

Final hurdle cleared for PGS/TGS merger

June 11, 2024
The two companies will pursue completion on July 1.
Courtesy TGS

TGS starts second-phase 2D reprocessing exercise offshore Liberia

June 10, 2024
TGS is teaming up with the national oil company of Liberia (NOCAL) to reprocess 2D and 3D seismic data covering two prospective offshore basins.
Courtesy TGS LinkedIn
Renewable Energy

TGS starts two-year wind measurements program offshore Germany

May 9, 2024
TGS has started a multiclient wind measurement campaign in the German North Sea using two LiDAR buoys.
Courtesy PGS LinkedIn
Company News

Norway approves PGS-TGS merger

April 18, 2024
PGS and TGS continue to target completion of the merger during the current quarter.
Courtesy TGS

Bangladesh opens offshore bid round

March 11, 2024
Petrobangla has launched Bangladesh’s first offshore lease round since 2012.
Photo 218944302 © Cagkan Sayin |
Company News

Norway plans further review of PGS/TGS merger

Feb. 14, 2024
The PGS/TGS merger process remains under review by the competition authorities in the UK and Norway, where the Norwegian Competition Authority has resolved to continue its assessment...
Courtesy TGS

TGS, SLB preparing to extend GoM OBN coverage

Feb. 5, 2024
TGS and partner SLB expect to start acquisition shortly of the Engagement 5 ocean-bottom node (OBN) survey in the eastern Green Canyon region in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
Courtesy TGS LinkedIn

TGS concludes ExxonMobil OBN campaign offshore Guyana

Jan. 3, 2024
TGS has completed a series of marine ocean-bottom node (OBN) surveys offshore Guyana.

All content from TGS

Courtesy TGS

TGS adds to OBN acquisition backlog

Dec. 20, 2023
TGS has landed a three-month ocean-bottom node (OBN) data acquisition contract in the North Sea for a repeat client.
Courtesy TGS

TGS adds more GoM OBN work

Dec. 18, 2023
TGS has gained a new two-month contract for ocean-bottom node (OBN) data acquisition in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
Courtesy TGS

TGS concludes imaging of prospective North Sea NOAKA region

Dec. 15, 2023
TGS has completed imaging over a priority 198-sq-km area of its NOAKA ocean-bottom node seismic survey in the Norwegian North Sea.
Photo 97687147 | Bangladesh Map © Marko Bukorovic |

TGS issues first data from offshore Bangladesh 2D survey

Oct. 31, 2023
Bangladesh’s government has approved a new Offshore Model Production Sharing Contract 2023.
Photo 166097713 © Phuttaphat Tipsana |
Pgs Tgs Merger
Company News

TGS, PGS combining operations in full-scale merger

Sept. 18, 2023
Norway's TGS will buy seismic rival PGS for $864 million.
Courtesy TGS
Tgs Trinidad And Tobago Wells

TGS opens up offshore Trinidad and Tobago well database

Sept. 15, 2023
TGS is offering access to standardized well data from close to 300 wells in Trinidad and Tobago offshore and onshore basins.
Photo 25500068 © Su Xingmin |
Gulf Of Mexico

TGS lines up long-term GoM OBN survey work

Aug. 30, 2023
TGS has a pending award for multiple proprietary ocean-bottom node projects in the Gulf of Mexico.
Courtesy TGS
Tgs Offshore Indonesia

TGS expanding 2Dcubed coverage offshore Indonesia

Aug. 29, 2023
TGS has committed the Kutei 2Dcubed survey in the Kutei Basin offshore Indonesia.
Courtesy TGS LinkedIn
TGS and Apparition Geoservices will collaborate for four years to enhance seismic surveys with advanced multi-source technology.

TGS inks collaboration agreement with Apparition Geoservices

Aug. 28, 2023
TGS and Apparition will collaborate through joint R&D and testing to fully commercialize Apparition technology in ocean-bottom node, towed streamer and XHR data acquisition programs...