TGS commits to fifth seismic survey this year in Indonesia

Aug. 1, 2024
TGS has industry funding for a new 2D seismic acquisition project in the Seram Basin offshore Indonesia.

TGS has industry funding for a new 2D seismic acquisition project in the Seram Basin offshore Indonesia.

The survey will compile more than 1,800 km of 2D data over the southeastern part of the basin, using a 12-km-long offset streamer.

It will be TGS’ fifth seismic survey in Indonesia this year. The company will employ broadband pre-stack time migration (PSTM), pre-stack depth migration (PSDM), and 24-Hz full wave inversion (FWI) for sharper imaging and subsurface insights.

CEO Kristian Johansen said, “In the Seram Basin, we are focused on using high-quality acquisition and processing methods to improve imaging below the shallow carbonates in the Seram thrust belt, where there are clear indications of active petroleum systems."