Decommissioning operations across the UK North Sea could cost $26B over the next decade, according to Westwood. Meanwhile, Woodside Energy spent $800M last year on global decommissionin...
Esso Australia has commissioned Allseas to remove up to 12 decommissioned platforms from the Gippsland Basin in the Bass Strait offshore southeast Australia.
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has authorized Jammerland Bay Nearshore permission to establish the Jammerland Bay coastal offshore wind farm near northwest Zealand.
INPEX Cash Maple has signed an agreement to transfer nearly 4% of its interest in the AC/RL7 block offshore Western Australia to OPIC Australia, Osaka Gas Ichthys and Toho Gas...
Jadestone Energy is making preparations for a re-drill of its Skua-11 well offshore northwest Australia, and new company leadership has been appointed.