The map reflects ConocoPhillips Australia's environmental planning area for the Otway Exploration Drilling Program (map created May 2023).
NOPSEMA (Australia’s National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority) has accepted ConocoPhillips Australia’s environment plan for the Otway exploration drilling program offshore southeast Australia.
The company and its partners plan to drill up to six exploration wells in water depths ranging from 53-200 m across the VIC/P79 and T/49P exploration permits offshore Victoria and Tasmania.
Courtesy 3D Energi Ltd.
The map highlights the Otway Exploration Drilling Program's operational areas that are defined in the approved environmental plan across the VIC/P79 and T/49P exploration permits.
According to partner 3D Energi, the timing will depend on the arrival date of the designated rig in the Otway Basin, operating timeframes of other consortium members drilling prior to the joint venture’s program, and receipt of relevant regulatory approvals.
However, the firm two-well Phase 1 program currently looks set to begin later this year.
The main goal is to offset declining production from the Bass Strait gas fields and ensure the continued supply of Victoria and the broader east coast market.
Exploration will target low-risk gas prospects with direct hydrocarbon indications close to existing infrastructure.
Next regulatory steps include securing well operations and safety approvals from NOPSEMA, through the submission and review of the Well Operations Management Plan and the Safety Case Revision.