Santos aiming to forge ahead with Barossa pipelay offshore Australia

Oct. 19, 2023
Santos expects production from the Bayu-Undan gas-condensate field in the Timor Sea, original developed by ConocoPhillips, to finally cease production in the current quarter.

Offshore staff

ADELAIDE, Australia — Santos expects production from the Bayu-Undan gas-condensate field in the Timor Sea, original developed by ConocoPhillips, to finally cease production in the current quarter.

During the third quarter, the company added in its latest results statement, gas and liquids production was lower in part due to planned maintenance activities.

In the same region, the Barossa gas and condensate project to backfill Darwin LNG is 63% complete.

Santos recently notified the Australian regulator authority NOPSEMA that it plans to start pipelay activities after complying with the requirements of its General Direction. It follows an assessment by an independent expert, which concluded that there are no specific “underwater cultural heritage places” along the Barossa gas export pipeline (GEP) route that may be affected by activities covered by the GEP environmental plan, the company added.

Barossa’s development drilling operations, however, remain suspended with the drill rig on standby off the coast of Darwin, as Santos continues to secure required approvals for the program to restart.

Assuming this happens before the end of the year, along with pipelay, the Barossa project will be on track to produce first gas in the first half 2025 and within current cost guidance.

Offshore Western Australia, Santos expects the Reindeer Field to continue to produce intermittently before ceasing production in early 2024.
