OMV has permission from Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority to drill an exploration well in the Norwegian Sea, using the semisub Borgland Dolphin.
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway – OMV has permission from Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority to drill an exploration well in the Norwegian Sea, using the semisub Borgland Dolphin.
Well 6407/5-2S will be drilled in 230 m (754 ft) water depth in production license 471, 26 km (16 mi) northwest of Norkse Shell’s Draugen field. The nearest land is 100 km (62 mi) east (Frøya in Sør-Trøndelag.
Drilling should take 52-71 days, depending on the outcome.
PSA has also authorized ConocoPhillips Skandinavia to use Island Offshore Management’s well intervention vesselIsland Constructor in the North Sea.
It will perform interventions for eight Ekofisk 2/4 Victor Alpha injection wells, with the program expected to last 30 days.