Rockhopper starts latest Falkland well in Sea Lion area
Aug. 23, 2011
Diamond Offshore’s semisub Ocean Guardian has spud Rockhopper Exploration’s latest appraisal well on the Sea Lion structure in the north Falkland basin.
Offshore staff
SALISBURY, UK – Diamond Offshore’s semisub Ocean Guardian has spud Rockhopper Exploration’s latest appraisal well on the Sea Lion structure in the north Falkland basin.
Well 14/10-7 is being drilled on license PL032, 3.3 km (2 mi) northwest of the 14/10-2 discovery well, just outside the Sea Lion discovery area. It is designed to investigate reservoir and hydrocarbon presence toward the northern limit of the currently mapped extent of the Sea Lion main complex, within an area of relatively low amplitudes.
Accordingly, Rockhopper adds, the Sea Lion main complex will be the only target, with reservoir expected to be thinner than that encountered in 14/10-2.