The semisub Transocean Enabler drilled the 7122/9-1 T2 well on the Lupa prospect in 403 m water depth. This was the first well on the PL 229 E license. Aker BP is the other partner.
The well encountered a 55-m gas column in sandstones in the Triassic Havert Formation, with no gas-water contact, and was terminated in the Ørret Formation.
Early analysis based on data acquisition, including sampling, indicates 57 MMboe to 132 MMboe. The partners will now consider options for a tieback to Goliat.
Alessandro Barberis, vice president of Exploration with Vår Energi, said the discovery was also the largest throughout the Norwegian Continental Shelf this year.
After plugging and abandoning the well, Transocean Enabler will resume drilling the 7122/8-1S well on the Countach prospect in the PL229 license.