VAALCO Energy Inc. has successfully drilled the South Tchibala 1HB-ST well from the Avouma platform in the Etame Field offshore Gabon.
Courtesy VAALCO Energy Inc.
Offshore staff
HOUSTON— VAALCO Energy Inc. has successfully drilled the South Tchibala 1HB-ST well from the Avouma platform in the Etame Field offshore Gabon, according to a recent company news release.
VAALCO discovered significant columns of multiple hydrocarbon bearing sands in the Dentale. It is completing the Dentale D1 sand (18 m net hydrocarbons) interval, which is analogous to the Deep Dentale producing field in North Tchibala with similar porosity and permeability, and additional cased Dentale D9 (15 mnet hydrocarbons) interval can be tested and completed in the future.
The company penetrated a thin section of the Gamba sand that is not economically viable to complete in this wellbore. It also has added new reserves that were previously not captured in VAALCO’s 2P reserves. Upon successful completion and first production, these reserves will be additive to VAALCO’s 1P reserves.
The South Tchibala 1HB-ST potentially adds new future drilling locations in the Deep Dentale trend across the Etame Block.
The company is completing the South Tchibala 1HB-ST well with initial production expected in June.