The Maersk Invincible jackup drilled well 2/8-19, the first on production license 1085, awarded under Norway’s APA 2020 round.
Courtesy Maersk Drilling
The jackup Maersk Invincible drilled well 2/8-19, the first on production license 1085, at a location 10 km north of the Valhall field in 69 m water depth.
Offshore staff
OSO, Norway – Aker BP has proven more oil and gas in the Valhall area of the southern Norwegian North Sea.
The Maersk Invinciblejackupdrilled well 2/8-19, the first on production license 1085, awarded under Norway’s APA 2020 round, at a location 10 km north of the Valhall Field in 69 m water depth.
According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), in the primary Lower Pliocene target the well encountered a 9-m oil column in a sandstone reservoir in the Nordland Group (Nordland Group), with traces of petroleum also observed below the oil/water contact (703 m below sea level).
In the secondary exploration target, the well penetrated a 15-m gas column. The NPD estimates reserves in the range 0.6 MMcmoe to 1.9 MMcmoe recoverable. The licensees may consider further delineation.