PSA sanctions offshore Norway wells, vessel life extension

June 30, 2020
The Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority has approved two exploration drilling programs and a production facility life extension request.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – The Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) has approved two exploration drilling programs and a production facility life extension request.

Aker BP will use the semisub Deepsea Nordkapp to drill the Alve NE prospect in 363 m (1,191 ft) water depth in block 6607/12 in the Norwegian Sea.

The program should take around 90 days to complete.

For Equinor, the semisub Deepsea Atlantic will drill a test well on the Peon discovery in license 318 in the northern Norwegian North Sea, 60 km (37 mi) northwest of the Gjøa field. Water depth is 370 m (1,214 ft).

Peon was proven in 2005 and delineated by well 35/2-2 in 2009. The reservoir, containing dry gas, is 210 m (689 ft) below the seafloor in homogeneous, mostly unconsolidated Pleistocene sand.

Equinor is assessing various development solutions.

In addition, the company has approval to extend the producing life of the FSO Åsgard C until Sept. 30, 2028. The vessel stores condensate produced by the Åsgard and Kristin/Tyrihans fields on the Haltenbanken region in the central Norwegian Sea.

Åsgard has been developed with subsea wells tied-back to the FPSO Åsgard A, with the semisub Åsgard B used for gas and condensate processing, subsequently stored on Åsgard C.

Production from Åsgard B and C began in 2000.

Less good news for Equinor was the verdict of the PSA’s audit into the technical condition of structures and maritime systems of the Veslefrikk B platform in the North Sea. The audit, conducted this March, related to Equinor’s application for consent to extend the operating life of the Veslefrikk field, identified serious breaches of regulations.

It was a continuation of an audit in 2019 focused on Equinor’s safeguarding of the integrity of structures and maritime systems on Veslefrikk B.

Non-conformities that came to light concerned the robustness of load-bearing structures and maritime systems, and the assessment of the control system.

Equinor must now document how it will ensure that the use of platform corresponds with its technical condition and prerequisites for use defined for safe activities, and that adequate robustness is ensured.

Deadline for compliance is Aug. 28, with a report concerning the control system to be submitted by Aug. 14.
