Bureau Veritas, a specialist in testing, inspection and certification services, has acquired ArcVera Renewables, a provider in finance-grade consulting and technical services for onshore and offshore wind, solar and battery storage projects worldwide.
Bureau Veritas says this acquisition aligns with its strategy "to create a new stronghold in the fast-growing sector of renewables."
This acquisition will expand Bureau Veritas's capabilities, primarily in North America, to support landowners, developers and owners, and investors in delivering their wind and solar farm projects.
Colorado-based ArcVera Renewables provides technical site and resources assessments, and consultancy during the development and operations stages of utility-scale renewables projects. Since its inception, ArcVera Renewables has supported 9 GW of solar projects in North and South America and has evaluated projects now representing 93,000 MW of wind capacity in the US.
In 2022 ArcVera Renewables claimed that energy losses from offshore wind plants caused by long-distance wakes are much greater than expected. Using high-fidelity long-range wake loss modeling, the company’s study at the New York Bight offshore development sites found that commonly used engineering wake models under-predict energy losses due to external wakes. It called for more research into the phenomenon.