Woodside finds more gas offshore Myanmar

Aug. 1, 2018
Woodside Energy has discovered gas in the Aung Siddhi prospect offshore Myanmar.

Offshore staff

PERTH, Australia – Woodside Energy has discovered gas in the Aung Siddhi prospect offshore Myanmar.

The Aung Siddhi-1 exploration well encountered gas in two main targets: the upper target penetrated a 60-m (197-ft) gas column with 10 m (33 ft) net of pay, while the lower intersected a 45-m (147-ft) gross column with 16 m (52 ft) of net pay.

Both gas columns were later confirmed through pressure measurements and sampling. Evaluation continues.

During mid-July, Woodside P&A’d the Dhana Hlaing-1 exploration well in the A-7 block offshore Myanmar, and the company was preparing to spud the Shwe Yee Htun-2 appraisal will in block A-6, to determine deliverability and test other shallower targets.

Offshore Western Australia, the company completed the Ferrand-1 exploration well in the WA-404-P permit, which encountered a 69-m (226-ft) gross gas column.
