Offshore staff
STAVANGER – Prosafe’s semisubmersible accommodation/maintenance support rig Safe Concordia has started a 330-day firm contract in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said in its latest results statement.
In addition, the company has entered an agreement to sell the gangway from the former Regalia rig (recycled in 2021) for about $1.7 million.
Another client has decided against taking up an option for use of the Safe Boreas vessel from the current quarter to the end of first-quarter 2024.
As for future assignments, Petrobras recently released four tenders for accommodation, maintenance and safety vessels, which Prosafe expects to be covered by rigs already in Brazilian waters.
More tenders should follow later in the year from Petrobras and other operators in Brazil.
Finally, Prosafe retains an option to take delivery of the only two DP3 newbuild semisubs said to be available at shipyards worldwide. Both rigs were damaged last September by the typhoon Muifa; while repairs continue at the yard, Prosafe is still marketing the vessels.