ADC Energy is conducting a series of audits to help an LNG developer identify drilling rigs that could be repurposed for LNG operations.
(Courtesy Maersk Drilling)
The jackup Maersk Gallant.
Offshore staff
ABERDEEN, UK –ADC Energy (ex-Aberdeen Drilling Consultants) is conducting a series of audits to help an LNG developer identify drilling rigs that could be repurposed for LNG operations.
Teams from the US, UK, and Asia/Pacific region will assess various rigs to determine their energy efficiency and suitability in the proposed new role.
The process includes evaluating the functional design, physical condition and operability of each rig, before advising on how to repurpose them in compliance with safety and operating standards, including API and OEM design specifications.
ADC has to date performed initial assessments of the jackups Maersk Gallant and Maersk Guardian ahead of their departure from the North Sea to South America. Maersk Drilling agreed to sell both rigs earlier this year to New Fortress Energy.