Keppel, EMA form offshore, marine power initiative

April 15, 2020
Keppel Offshore & Marine has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Energy Market Authority to develop energy solutions for distributed energy resources, digitalization, and low carbon alternatives.

Offshore staff

SINGAPORE – Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Energy Market Authority (EMA) to develop energy solutions for distributed energy resources, digitalization, and low carbon alternatives.

The two parties are launching a grant call for solutions relating to energy storage systems and smart power grids for the offshore and marine environment, designed to reduce overall energy usage and carbon footprint while enhancing operational efficiency.

They aim to foster innovation and capability building for the wider industry in Singapore, with insights derived from the grant call used as potential solutions to enhance the grid.

Applications should be submitted by June 24, with selected participants given the opportunity to testbed their solutions through Keppel O&M’s Floating Living Lab (FLL) offshore floating testbed in Singapore, due to be operational by end 2021.

This will provide a platform for the industry and research groups to test and commercialize power and technology solutions for the marine sector. The FLL will feature an embedded power generation system to power Keppel O&M’s operations, with excess electricity exported to the national grid.

Chris Ong, the company’s CEO, said: “Our use of digitalization and data analytics will reduce energy waste and increase the use of cleaner energy…

“Our Floating Living Lab will help to reduce our carbon footprint by leveraging and test bedding clean floating energy solutions. At the same time, it enables Keppel O&M to provide power for our own operations, support customers in delivering cleaner power, grow our LNG bunkering services and improve the efficiency of the current supply chain, while extending our gas offerings in the floating power segment.”
