

About ConocoPhillips

ConocoPhillips is an independent E&P company.


More Info on ConocoPhillips

The company explores for, produces, transports and markets crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas and bitumen. As of March 31, 2024, it had operations and activities in 13 countries.

Articles & News

Courtesy ConocoPhillips
ConocoPhillips Norway's Eldfisk complex
Drilling & Completion

Raptor Data supporting ConocoPhillips North Sea plugging operations

Aug. 7, 2024
ConocoPhillips has asked Raptor Data to manufacture and deploy a fleet of tools for well plugging purposes offshore Norway.
Courtesy ConocoPhillips Australia
ConocoPhillips Australia permit areas
Drilling & Completion

ConocoPhillips progressing Otway Basin drilling campaign

July 11, 2024
ConocoPhillips Australia has ordered key drilling items for the Otway exploration program in 2025 offshore Victoria and Tasmania.
Photo 88312239 © Mr.phonlawat Chaicheevinlikit |
Company News

ConocoPhillips to acquire Marathon Oil for $22.5B

May 29, 2024
The transaction is scheduled to close in fourth-quarter 2024.
Courtesy ConocoPhillips

ConocoPhillips achieves early startup at North Sea Eldfisk North project

May 9, 2024
ConocoPhillips Skandinavia has produced first oil and gas ahead of schedule from the Eldfisk North development in the Greater Ekofisk Area in the North Sea.
Courtesy Conoco Phillips

ConocoPhillips authorized to start up North Sea Eldfisk nord production

Feb. 28, 2024
ConocoPhillips can start using new subsea facilities at the Eldfisk nord development in the southern Norwegian North Sea, following authorization from the Norwegian Offshore Directorate...
Courtesy ConocoPhillips Co.
North Sea & Europe

ConocoPhillips cleared to use North Sea Tommeliten A kit

Aug. 24, 2023
ConocoPhillips Skandinavia has received authorization from Norway’s PSA to use the new process module on the Tommeliten A gas condensate field in the Greater Ekofisk area.
Courtesy 3D Oil
The Transocean Equinox submersible rig will drill two firm exploration wells.

ConocoPhillips lines up Transocean rig for offshore Otway Basin drilling

July 12, 2023
ConocoPhillips Australia has issued a letter of award for the Transocean Equinox semisub to drill exploration wells on the VIC/P79 and T/49P permits in the Otway Basin offshore...
Courtesy 3D Oil
Location map of the VIC/P79 and T/49P exploration permits offshore Otway Basin
Australia & New Zealand

ConocoPhillips planning multi-well campaign in offshore Otway Basin

June 1, 2023
3D Oil has issued an update on ConocoPhillips Australia’s drilling plans for exploration permits VIC/P79 and T/49P in the Otway Basin offshore Victoria and King Island, Tasmania...