Seaway7 to install North Sea East Anglia THREE wind complex

June 30, 2023
ScottishPower Renewables has contracted Subsea7 subsidiary Seaway7 to transport and install the foundations and inner-array cables for the East Anglia THREE offshore wind farm.

Offshore staff

LUXEMBOURG  ScottishPower Renewables has contracted Subsea7 subsidiary Seaway7 to transport and install the foundations and inner-array cables for the East Anglia THREE offshore wind farm in the UK southern North Sea.

The development, 69 km from the Suffolk coast, will be the world’s second largest wind farm once operational in 2026, Subsea7 said, comprising 95 x 14.7-MW turbines with a combined capacity of 1,400 MW.

Seaway7’s scope of work includes the transport, provision of logistics and installation of 95 monopile foundations; associated seabed preparation and scour protection; and engineering, supply and installation of the 95 inner-array cables.

The company will deploy heavy lifting and cable lay vessels and its heavy transportation fleet to manage the transportation work, with the program managed from its offices in Aberdeen and Sutton, near London.

Early engineering works will continue through the remainder of this year, with offshore activities scheduled to begin in 2024.
