InCapture-led partnership secure carbon capture permit offshore NW Australia

Aug. 9, 2024
InCapture Pty and partners SK earthon Australia and Carbon CQ Pty have been awarded a Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permit, G-15-AP, on Australia’s North West Shelf.

InCapture Pty and partners SK earthon Australia and Carbon CQ Pty have been awarded a Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permit, G-15-AP, on Australia’s North West Shelf.

The southern part of the permit area is 120 km from the industrial ports of Dampier and Port Hedland. Overall, G-15-AP spans an area of more than 6,500 sq km.

InCapture is appraising various carbon storage options within the permit area, and it aims to open a fully operational carbon capture and storage (CCS) project by the early 2030s. This will also be made available to neighboring countries in the region such as South Korea and Japan.

The company has identified the permit area as having significant potential for carbon sequestration and went on to form the joint venture partnership to appraise and develop the area.

SK earthon, a subsidiary of SK Innovation, brings experience in CCS from the Shepherd project, which targets CO2 capture from South Korean industrial zones and transports to Malaysia for storage.

It also participates in South Korea’s national CCS R&D initiatives, including marine CO2 storage monitoring projects and geophysical surveys for large-scale CCS storage evaluations.

Perth-based Carbon CQ provides CCS consultancy and project development support (technical, commercial and regulatory).