Jadestone co-operating with Australian regulator on Montara FPSO repairs

Sept. 12, 2022
Jadestone Energy has updated the operational status of the Montara Venture FPSO off northwest Australia.

Offshore staff

SINGAPORE – Jadestone Energy has provided an update on the operational status of the Montara Venture FPSO off northwest Australia.

Production from the Montara oilfield has been shut-in since August 12 due to structural issues with certain tanks. Jadestone is working on a remediation plan for the FPSO’s hull and tanks and is updating Australia’s National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) on these activities.

NOPSEMA has now issued a general direction to the company, asking it to engage an independent reviewer to undertake a gap recognition review, and to provide assurance of the remediation plans and operational readiness prior to re-starting production.

Paul Blakeley, Jadestone president and CEO, said: “We have…accelerated the inspection and repair activity through prioritizing additional maintenance crew offshore. In addition, plans to increase longer-term accommodation space on the FPSO are under way.

“This will deliver a high-level of confidence to all stakeholders in the structural integrity of the Montara FPSO, and allow for a safe and reliable restart of production.  Going forward, we will be reviewing the way we approach inspection and repair on the FPSO’s hull and tanks, with a firm intention to prevent similar occurrences of unplanned downtime in the future.”
