ONGC finds more gas offshore western India

Feb. 21, 2023
ONGC has discovered gas with a well in the Mumbai Offshore (SW) region, the company revealed in its latest results review.

Offshore staff

NEW DELHI, India  ONGC has discovered gas with a well in the Mumbai Offshore (SW) region, the company revealed in its latest results review.

The MBS171HAA-1 (MBS171HAA-A) well in OALP block MB-OSHP-2017/1 flowed 145, 093 cu. m/d from the Panna Formation at a depth of ~3,800 m. This is the deepest recorded presence of a commercial hydrocarbon pool in the sector, the company added.

In addition, ONGC brought onstream a gas accumulation on the SB-20 Block in the Arabian Sea following a fast-track development.

Elsewhere in the region, the company initiated a pilot project for an integrated wave and current monitoring system at Mumbai Offshore, in collaboration with IIT Bombay and Engineers India.

The aim is to help provide cost-effective solutions for life extensions of aging platforms.
