Workovers drive up gas rates from Black Sea SASB wells
Aug. 19, 2024
Trillion Energy International has issued a progress report on current workover operations at the SASB gas field in the Turkish sector of the Black Sea.Â
Trillion Energy International has issued a progress report on current workover operations at the SASB gas field in the Turkish sector of the Black Sea.
During the program’s first phase, all remaining gas pay was perforated including three long-reach deviated gas wells drilled from the Akcakoca platform, Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 wells, and the recompleted legacy well Akcakoca-3.
The wells began producing in stages between July 9 and July 28 and have so far produced 140 MMcf.
Courtesy Trillion Energy
SASB gas field development map
South Akcakoca-2, in production for 36 days, has stabilized at about 2.75 MMcf/d. Guluc-2, in service for more than three weeks, is currently stable at 1.25 MMcf/d.
West Akcakoca-1 has not yet stabilized. Akcakoca-3 was perforated, and although gas flow did not initially take place, wellhead pressure has increased to 478 psi so production should start shortly.
Gas output through the Akcakoca platform has averaged 4.6 MMcf/d since the program finished.
Trillion CEO Arthur Halleran said, “The results are very positive, giving us good indications that decreasing the production tubing size from 4 ½-in. to 2 3/8-in. using velocity strings should stabilize gas production at the targeted rates.”