CNOOC starts up two oil projects offshore China

Sept. 25, 2023
CNOOC has brought onstream two oilfield developments offshore China.

Offshore staff

HONG KONG, China  CNOOC has brought onstream two oilfield developments offshore China.

The Bozhong 28-2 South Oilfield Second Adjustment Project is in 21 m water depth in the southern Bohai Sea.

Main production facilities include a central platform and a water-injection subsea pipeline. CNOOC plans to commission 13 production wells and eight water injectors, and to deliver peak production of about 7,600 bbl/d of crude next year.

In the eastern South China Sea, the company has started up the Lufeng 12-3 Oilfield Development Project in water depths of about 240 m.

Here, the facilities include a wellhead platform and a newbuild, 100,000-t `intelligent’ FPSO, and eventually 13 production wells. The project should reach peak output of about 29,500 bbl/d in 2024.

SK earthon operates Lufeng 12-3 Oilfield with a 39.2% interest, with CNOOC holding the remaining 60.8%.
