Husky brings more wells onstream at offshore Newfoundland complex

July 26, 2019

Offshore staff

CALGARY, CanadaHusky Energy has brought onstream two new infill production wells at its White Rose complex offshore Newfoundland.

The central and southern drill centers have resumed normal operations, and following the recent installation of a new subsea flowline connector, the drill centers at North Amethyst and the South White Rose extension should return to service later this summer.

However, the Tiger’s Eye exploration well did not encounter commercial hydrocarbons.

Construction on the concrete gravity structure and related topsides for the West White Rose platform is progressing, with the overall project now more than 40% complete. Husky expects first oil through the facility around the end of 2022.

At the Liuhua 29-1 field in the South China Sea, the final three wells have been drilled and pipelay should finish soon. A total of seven wells will be tied in to existing Liwan infrastructure, with first gas expected around the end of 2020.
