Presalt share of Brazil’s production climbs to 60%

June 7, 2019

Offshore staff

RIO DE JANEIROPetrobras has completed 10 years of production in the Santos basin presalt field cluster.

Currently 16 platforms and more than 150 wells are in service, accounting for 90% of Brazil’s presalt output, with lifting costs of below $7/bbl and strong field productivity.

The company’s accumulated operated production in this area has reached 2.5 Bboe, and the Santos and Campos basin presalt clusters collectively provide 60% of Brazil’s domestic production. In April, presalt production reached a new peak of 2.07 MMb/d.

“The unique characteristics of the Santos basin presalt, such as its location in ultra-deepwaters, the 2-km [1.2-mi] thick salt layer, and the distance of 300 km [186 mi] from the coast were an unprecedented challenge for Petrobras and the industry,” said Exploration and Production director Carlos Alberto Pereira de Oliveira.

“However, 10 years after the first oil from Tupi, we not only developed novel solutions to overcome the presalt challenges, using the highest technical competence, but also proved its economic feasibility and set a succession of records.”

Over the past 11 months, Petrobras has put six platforms onstream in the Santos basin presalt cluster, each designed to produce up to 150,000 b/d of oil.

Seven of the company’s 11 prospective new platforms over the next five years will be deployed in this cluster plus one in the Campos basin presalt, at an estimated cost of $27 billion. In addition, the extended test from the FPSO Pioneiro de Libra on the Mero field – designed to compile information on the reservoir prior to the deployment of full-scale production systems – has surpassed 60,000 boe/d through a single well.

Petrobras acknowledged that its successes in the region were due in part to exchange of experiences with other major companies it is working with.
