TGS-NOPEC builds northern Europe, West Africa data banks

Nov. 4, 2010
TGS-NOPEC has updated its offshore seismic acquisition programs from this summer in various parts of the world.

Offshore staff

AKER, Norway – TGS-NOPEC has updated its offshore seismic acquisition programs from this summer in various parts of the world.

In the Moray Firth area of the UK North Sea, acquisition continued on a high-density, multi-client (MC) 3D survey (MF10), designed to cover an area of 1,700 sq km (656 sq mi).

In the Norwegian Northern Viking graben (NVG10) and UK East Shetland basin (ESB10), TGS completed two more MC 3D surveys.

NVG10, originally estimated at 3,500 sq km (1,351 sq mi), was expanded to 4,100 sq km (1,583 sq mi) following additional client funding. As for ESB10, the total coverage was 1,100 sq km (425 sq mi). Both surveys were adjacent to projects completed in 2009, forming contiguous datasets over these prospective basins.

TGS also continued work on its long-offset 2D regional seismic survey offshore Norway, the UK, and the Netherlands. In the North Sea, the Bergen Surveyor, supported by the Northern Genesis, completed acquisition of around 10,000 km (6,214 mi) of long-offset data.

In the Norwegian and Barents seas, the Geo Arctic and Akademik Lazarev added around 26,000 km (16,155 mi) to the survey. The total of the long-offset renaissance program in Norway now exceeds 255,000 km (158,450 mi).

From the North Sea, the Bergen Surveyor transferred to West Greenland to acquire TGS’ Baffin Bay (BB10) 2D program. At the end of 3Q 2010, the vessel was still on location adding to a dataset that TGS claims has served as the benchmark survey for the Baffin Bay tender round in 2010.

The company expects to add a further 18,000 km (11.184 mi) to the dataset this year, extending its coverage in Baffin Bay to 56,000 km (34,798 mi).

Elsewhere during the third quarter, TGS focused on processing and delivering 3D data collected previously from the Upper Transform Margin of West Africa. The program included pre-stack depth imaging on blocks 13/14 and 8/9 off Liberia – here the datasets will be delivered to the clients by year-end.

TGS also started acquisition of a 2,500-sq km (965-sq mi) 3D survey off Gambia which will be completed shortly.

In the Asia/Pacific region, the company started a 3,000-km (1,864-mi) 2D MC survey off South Java, infilling a previous regional 2D dataset. Acquisition should be completed by end-2010.
