TGS says that it will use its Ramform Vanguard vessel to provide high-resolution data of the shallow subsurface targets for wind farm development off the UK.
This 3rd annual report, published in August 2024, reviews the latest projects and technologies, expert insights and more on offshore wind advancements. Download the (FREE) report.
TGS has announced the award of an offshore wind site characterization contract on the UK continental shelf for a repeat customer.
The contract has a total duration of approximately 60 days and is scheduled to commence in first-quarter 2025.
The Ramform Vanguard vessel will be used for this project and is equipped with ultra-high-resolution 3D (UHR-3D) streamers.
TGS says that the streamer technology on this vessel samples the seismic wavefield at a high spatial and temporal rate to provide high-resolution data of the shallow subsurface targets for wind farm development.