McDermott wins Trion FPU FEED contract

May 11, 2021
BHP has awarded McDermott International Ltd. a front-end engineering design contract for the deepwater Trion field development offshore Mexico.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON – BHP has awarded McDermott International Ltd. a front-end engineering design (FEED) contract for the deepwater Trion field development offshore Mexico.

The scope of the contract includes engineering tasks related to the configuration, sizing, and analysis of the semisubmersible floating production unit (FPU), including topsides, hull, risers, and mooring. McDermott was previously awarded and completed services under an initial pre-FEED contract.

The company will lead one integrated team to perform project management and execution planning.

The FPU will be designed for a water depth of about 8,200 ft (2,500 m). The Trion field is about 19 mi (30 km) south of the US/Mexico border and approximately 112 mi (180 km) off the Mexican coastline.

BHP is the operator and holds a 60% interest in Trion. PEMEX holds the remaining 40% interest.
