Valeura steps up development drilling on two fields offshore Thailand
March 25, 2025
Related To: Valeura Energy Inc.
Valeura Energy has issued updates for its ongoing development campaigns at producing fields in the Gulf of Thailand.
In February 2025, the rig used to drill new wells last year on the Jasmine field in license B5/27 returned to the field to begin a seven-well infill program.
This year Valeura plans 10 development and appraisal wells on Jasmine and one on the Ratree prospect. In addition, a workover rig is currently completing two workovers on Jasmine.
The low-BTU gas generator delivered earlier this year to the Jasmine B platform should be commissioned and operational in the second quarter. It should cut emissions from the platform and also operating costs through use of a waste gas stream for power generation.
At the Nong Yao field, nine development wells are planned this year across the three platforms, with drilling due to start late in the second quarter.
Valeura has completed the FEED work for a potential redevelopment of the Wassana field, with detailed contracting and procurement underway to confirm cost assumptions. FID could follow early in the second quarter.
A five-well infill drilling campaign on the Manora field, including both production-oriented infill wells and appraisal targets, finished earlier this year. The program has led to identification of up to five potential future drilling targets, which could be included in a future drilling program.
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