Woodside Energy has submitted a first-phase development and exploitation plan for the deepwater Sangomar (ex-SNE) oil and gas field to the government of Senegal.
(Courtesy Woodside Energy)
Artist impression of the FPSO connected through risers to the network of flowlines and subsea infrastructure.
The plan and exploitation authorization request are the final submissions required before the partners take their final investment decisions later this month.
According to partner FAR, the plan details how Sangomar will be developed in phases to produce 485 MMbbl of oil and 160 MMboe of gas.
Phase 1, targeting 230 MMbbl of oil, will feature a 100,000-b/d capacity FPSO with 23 subsea wells and supporting subsea infrastructure. First oil is scheduled for early 2023.
The FPSO will be designed to allow for integration of subsequent Sangomar development phases, including gas export to shore and subsea tiebacks from other nearby reservoirs and fields.