Sonardyne releases new current profilers for intelligent operations

May 15, 2023
The new Origin Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers are designed to be simple to operate with improved integrated communications and positioning.

Offshore staff

HAMPSHIRE, UK  Sonardyne, a provider of underwater acoustic technology, released its new Origin Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) last month.

The company said the new ADCPs are designed to be simple to operate with "class leading" data results, integrated communications and positioning, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, including marine research, offshore renewable energy and defense.

The new current profilers feature an integrated modem for communications and positioning as well as a new edge processing capability and ecosystem where users can write their own apps for projects.

''As well as the industry standard PD0, our new and exclusive A-gram and B-gram proprietary data formats offer up to 10 times greater spatial resolution producing astonishing datasets," the company said.

There are two introductions for the new Origin ADCP family:

  • Origin 600 has a five-beam configuration with a central vertical beam. Paired with a maximum sampling frequency of 4Hz on all beams, it’s suitable for waves and turbulence applications as well as mean currents. Combining field-proven transducers with an integrated modem, internal rechargeable battery and edge processing, Origin 600 expands ADCP capability for acquiring mid-range current profiles.
  • Origin 65 boasts a unique acoustic design that increases robustness, reduces costs and all the while maintaining current profiling performance. The integrated modem allows for remote actions, whilst the PIES functionality delivers high-precision time-of-flight and average in-situ sound velocity data.
