HOUSTON –Chevron has joined Viper Subsea’s joint industry project (JIP) to develop its subsea integrity monitoring system known as V-IR. The V-IR system is used to identify and locate faults in remote subsea electrical distribution systems.
The project, which began in October 2013, has attracted Shell, BP and Total, and the additional sponsorship by Chevron will allow for enhanced functionality and an extended test period.
Viper Subsea will conduct all research and development for the V-IR system, while the JIP partners will contribute funding and ensure the products are optimized for field use. The JIP has been facilitated by theIndustry Technology Facilitator.
“The additional design work will focus on developing the SIIS interface to allow the technology to be easily integrated into an Active Electrical Distribution Unit. We are delighted to welcome Chevron to the project,” said Neil Douglas, managing director of Viper Subsea.
The company anticipates the new V-IR system to be ready for a field-trial later this year.