Karish Field FPSO receiving gas from shore

Oct. 10, 2022
Energean has received approval from Israel’s Ministry of Energy to start certain testing procedures for its Karish gas field development in the Mediterranean Sea.

Offshore staff

ATHENS, Greece  Energean has received approval from Israel’s Ministry of Energy to start certain testing procedures for its Karish gas field development in the Mediterranean Sea.

Gas has now started flowing from onshore to the Energean Power FPSO, one of the major steps in the commissioning process for the FPSO.

After reaching Israel in early June, the Energean Power FPSO was moored to the seabed and connected to the risers. In August the Karish North KN-01 development well was drilled, and completion of the second gas sales export riser and second oil train on the FPSO to receive the production remained on track as of September. At the time, the company said Karish North should come onstream toward the end of 2023.

The development of the Karish Field, about 80 km (50 miles) west of the Israeli city of Haifa, has raised tensions between Israel and Lebanon in their protracted dispute over maritime boundaries, drawing threats of war from the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement, Reuters reported. The US has been mediating indirect talks on the issue since 2020.

Last week Israel rejected revisions to a draft agreement on demarcation of the two countries' maritime borders at a critical phase of negotiations.

Energean has said its FPSO vessel is due to start production at Karish in the third quarter. On Saturday Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said Israel was "nearing production" at the site, according to the Reuters report.
