Offshore staff
LUXEMBOURG – Gas production has started ahead of schedule at BP’s West Nile Delta Phase One project offshore Egypt, according to Subsea 7.
The contractor, which provided SURF services for the project, continues to work on the West Nile Delta platform extension and tie-in andBP’s Atoll project in the same area.
Elsewhere, the company is preparing to complete the final offshore campaign later this year for Wintershall’s Maria subsea project in the Norwegian Sea.
In the UK sector, it has fabricated and towed into position pipeline bundles on Dana’s Western Isles project in the East Shetland basin and theCallater project in the UK central North Sea.
Offshore Western Australia, the company has substantially completed its Persephone Work Pack 3 subsea program.
During 1Q, Subsea 7 released the vesselsSeven Discovery and Normand Coeanic from its fleet, while the Seven Mar has been stacked after finishing its activities off Brazil.