Metering critical in ultra-deepwater

Dec. 1, 2006
Stine Jæger Alvær, technical product manager for wetgas meters at Roxar, discussed online monitoring of gas well performance in deepwater at the Deep Offshore Technology conference in Houston Thursday, November 30.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- Stine Jæger Alvær, technical product manager for wetgas meters at Roxar, discussed with Offshore magazine the subject of online monitoring of gas well performance in deepwater at the Deep Offshore Technology conference in Houston Thursday, November 30.

Alvær reviewed the technology now available and defined some of the requirements that need to be met to provide metering in 4,572 m (15,000 ft) water depth.

With natural gas becoming an increasingly important energy source, Alvær said, "The ability to predict and measure the water production profile in a wet-gas well has become critical for optimizing production, preventing hydrate, and scale and corrosion in pipelines and ensuring a reliability of supply."

Alvær pointed to case study examples showing what she described as state-of-the-art well monitoring technology and flow measurement solutions that are being used to ensure optimum reservoir performance and flow assurance in wet-gas and deepwater fields.

Alvær also discussed the design requirements needed for flow measurement devices to ensure reliable and accurate monitoring at water depths of 3,048-4,572 m (10,000-15,000 ft).
