MSI to provide Mozambique metocean package

Dec. 5, 2011
Anadarko has contracted Metocean Services International (MSI) for a two-year multiple location metocean measurement project offshore Mozambique.

Offshore staff

SANDY BAY, Australia – Anadarko has contracted Metocean Services International (MSI) for a two-year multiple location metocean measurement project offshore Mozambique.

Preparations are under way to develop Anadarko’s various deepwater natural gas discoveries in the offshore Rovuma basin.

In tandem, a metocean data-gathering program has been designed to measure wind, wave, current, water/air temperature, tides, and so on. Once processed, this environmental data should assist offshore, coastal, and onshore operations for the entire project.

MSI will undertake seven shallow and seven deep moorings, in water depths ranging from 6-2,000 m (19.7-6,561 ft). It will also supply an offshore weather station, an onshore weather station, and a shore-based tide gauge.

The seven shallow moorings include Nortek acoustic wave and current meters (AWACs) and RBR CTD loggers with turbidity sensors. Six of the seven deep sites will be short in-line moorings fitted with TRDI acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and RBR CTD loggers with turbidity sensors.

The deepest site is a full water column mooring comprising Nortek AWAC, Nortek Aquadopp single-point current meters, RBR CTD logger with turbidity sensor and TRDI ADCP.

Post-installation, the equipment will be serviced after one month, and thereafter every three months for the project duration. MSI will charter a vessel for the offshore operations.
