Saipem will undertake engineering, preparation, removal and disposal of the upper jacket of the Heather platform, using the semisubmersible Saipem 7000 crane vessel.
Offshore staff
SAN DONATO MILANESE, Italy—Saipem has secured multiple offshore/FEED contracts with a combined value of about $650 million.
Under Saudi Aramco’s LTA program in Saudi Arabia, Saipem will perform the offshore EPCI of a platform topside and the associated subsea flexible, umbilical and cable system.
Courtesy SBM Offshore 2014
Offshore Angola, Azule Energy has awarded the company EPCI responsibility for the rigid pipe-in-pipe flowlines and associated subsea structures for the deepwater Agogo full-field development, 20 km west of the N’Goma FPSO and 180 km offshore.
In the UK northern North Sea, EnQuest has asked the company to decommission infrastructure serving the Heather oil field. Saipem will undertake engineering, preparation, removal and disposal of the upper jacket of the Heather platform, using the semisubmersible Saipem 7000 crane vessel.
Finally, Saipem, in partnership with PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructors and Daewoo Engineering & Construction, will develop the FEED for upstream facilities supplying gas to the Papua LNG project in Papua New Guinea.