The new buoy can be used across many industries and applications, including emergency and short-term power and communications support for maintenance, testing, and repair services. It can be configured with the company’s marine surveillance solution for security monitoring of offshore areas. Customized solutions are also available, including the addition of subsea sensors to monitor for acoustic signatures, tsunami, and other environmental conditions.
Data from the buoy is transmitted to shore-based command stations via communications networks, including WiFi, cellular, mesh and/or satellite systems, depending upon location. Data can also be integrated with satellite, terrestrial, and other data feeds to form a detailed surface and subsea view, the company said.
OPT recently put the first hybrid PowerBuoy through an initial sea trial that included several tow configurations, roll, and pitch stability measurements, Stirling engine and solar power source operation and integration, and other tests in coastal New Jersey waters. It met or exceeded stringent engineering requirements, the company said.