Aqueos completes jacket inspection surveys offshore California

Dec. 27, 2019
Aqueos Corp. has completed a major diving and ROV project offshore California.

Offshore staff

SANTA BARBARA, California – Aqueos Corp. has completed a major diving and ROV project offshore California.

This included the subsea inspection of three large jacket structures. The inspections are part of an ongoing structural integrity review of the jackets, and included detailed inspection of welds.

Close visual inspection and magnetic particle inspection methods were used in water depths up to 1,200 ft (366 m).

Also included in the surveys, were detailed cathodic potential (CP) surveys to help determine the effectiveness of the current cathodic protection systems. A portion of the CP surveys included the cleaning of select anodes throughout the jackets, both by divers and the ROV and the taking of measurements.

The surveys of the three jackets took place concurrently, with the diving operation conducted from the jackets and the ROV operations were performed from a floating asset.

According to the company, through the course of the inspection program, the ROV performed more than 100 dives with nearly 700 hours of in water time logged. The dive team logged 131 dives and nearly 337 hours of in water working time.
