Fugro, IWES join forces for offshore Germany wind site studies

May 22, 2023
Germany's Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency has asked Fugro to perform a geophysical survey contract for two wind farm sites.

Offshore staff

LEIDSCHENDAM, the Netherlands  Germany's Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has asked Fugro to perform a geophysical survey contract for two wind farm sites in the German exclusive economic zone in the North Sea.

The company will manage the campaign with Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES), with the acquired geodata to be integrated with ultrahigh-resolution multichannel seismic data (UHR MCS).

BSH will use the results to develop geological models of the offshore sites and assist future geotechnical investigations.

This week Fugro will mobilize a survey vessel to undertake positioning, sub-bottom profiling recording and interpretation, while Fraunhofer IWES will perform the multi-channel seismic survey, data processing and interpretation. A dense data raster will generate 2,393 km of survey lines. 

Sub-bottom profiler data will provide structural imaging of sediments up to 15 m below the seabed while the UHR MCS data penetrates more than 100 m to derive images of small sedimentary bodies and deep valley structures shaped by glaciers and filled with younger sediments.

Final result will be a preliminary subsurface model for use in future geotechnical survey campaigns and to reduce the risk for installation of wind farms at the locations.

The sites will be auctioned in the next few years to developers.
