Fugro will perform geotechnical investigations for bp/EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg’s two planned offshore wind farms in the Irish Sea.
Courtesy Fugro
Offshore staff
LEIDSCHENDAM, the Netherlands – Fugro will perform geotechnical investigations for bp/EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg’s two planned offshore wind farms in the Irish Sea.
Morgan and Mona will have a combined generating capacity of 3 GW, sufficient to power 3.4 million UK households.
Field work will take place between May and September. The location, 30 km (18.6 mi) from the coasts of North Wales and northwest England, is said to be an area known for severe currents and a challenging offshore environment.
Fugro will deploy its vessels Fugro Synergy and Normand Mermaid, with operations including use of the company’s SEACALF Mk V Deepdrive system for seabed cone penetration tests and the SEADEVIL for vessel-based and seafloor downhole testing.
The company’s laboratory engineers will analyze all samples to support design of the foundations for the wind turbines.