New web platform aims to give voice to American energy workers

March 3, 2022 launched to inform, educate public.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON – USA energy workers now have a website that tells their story and offers an online gathering place for some 3.1 million energy workers, their families, and friends, across the country.

The new website,, was launched as part of an initiative to celebrate and elevate the energy worker as well as inform and educate the public about their critical contributions to America. 

“The men and women of our country who wear steel-toed boots and hard hats have helped each generation of Americans overcome many challenges,” described Scott Angelle, former Louisiana Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Natural Resources, and the Nation’s longest serving Director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE). “Let’s bet on the American worker. They remain undefeated.”

US Department of Energy research shows that in 2020, there were 3.1 million Americans working in the fuels, electric power generation and transmission, distribution, and storage sectors. Angelle said that “without US energy workers and domestic energy development, America would not have developed into the world’s foremost economic superpower with the ability to withstand foreign energy price shocks.” features a petition for US energy workers to join together and call for national, state and local governments to work in collaboration with the private sector to develop sensible policies that energize our country, from both traditional and renewable resources, without wrecking our economy through skyrocketing inflation. A “My Story” portal offers an opportunity for US energy workers to share a snapshot of their participation and appreciation of nature, clean air and clean water, green grass, a walk in the park, an afternoon on the lake or beach, bird watching or their favorite nature activity. “I am confident US energy workers value nature as much as any other group of Americans do,” said Angelle. 

The Balancing the 3Es page highlights the effort to raise awareness of the necessity of balancing the three elements of a healthy energy policy for the country. Each element – environment, energy and economy – needs to be considered as part of the solution, Angelle says.

A note of support came from Chett Chiasson, Executive Director, Greater Lafourche Port Commission. “I am quite pleased that Scott is bringing a focus on the value of our US energy workers,” Chiasson was quoted to say. “I have witnessed firsthand the dedication and know-how of U.S. energy workers. This group of Americans who every day balance the 3E’s – environment, energy and economy and sustain the American way of life deserve our support.”


Courtesy "Karoon Energy 2024 Half Year Results" presentation, August 2024
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