Five majors awarded GHG assessment permit offshore Western Australia

Sept. 1, 2022
Woodside Energy is leading a five-strong consortium that was awarded a greenhouse-gas assessment permit off the northwest coast of Western Australia.

Offshore staff

PERTH, Australia  Woodside Energy is leading a five-strong consortium that was awarded a greenhouse-gas assessment permit off the northwest coast of Western Australia.

The G-10-AP permit, covering a 1,775-sq-km area in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, is 125 km northwest of Dampier and contains the depleted Angel gas field.

Woodside will operate with a 20% interest. The other partners are bp Developments Australia; Japan Australia LNG (MIMI), which is owned equally by Mitsubishi and Mitsui; Shell Australia; and Chevron Australia. All four partners also have 20% stakes.

The joint venture (JV) is assessing the technical, regulatory and commercial feasibility of capturing carbon emitted by multiple industries close to Karratha in Western Australia.

The JV will conduct evaluation and appraisal studies to assess the potential for the geological storage of CO2 from these industries in the offshore permit area.

According to Woodside, a multi-user carbon capture and storage (CCS) project near Karratha could also facilitate development of new lower-carbon industries, such as the production of hydrogen and ammonia, providing a local solution for emissions.

The CCS facility could have processing capacity for up to 5 MM metric tons per year of CO2
