Offshore staff
PERTH, Australia – Carnarvon Petroleum has issued an update on exploration operations in the Bedout basin offshore Western Australia, where the company is a partner to Santos.
Acquisition of the 1,600-sq km (618-sq mi) Archer 3D seismic survey finished on June 1, the area covered comprising the Dorado oil field and near-field prospects, in conjunction with the WA541-P permit joint venture to the southwest of WA-437-P.
The survey vessel has now started shooting the ~3,200-sq km (1,235-sq mi) Keraudren Extension 3D survey, mainly in WA-436-P, over various leads with direct access to interpreted source ‘kitchens’ that have to date been defined solely by 2D seismic.
Santos has taken delivery of the jackup Noble Tom Prosser, which is currently engaged on other operations prior to mobilization to the Bedout basin.
The rig is contracted to drill two wells on prospects with similar interpreted trap, source, seal and reservoir characteristics to Dorado.
Pavo-1, in the western part of WA-438-P, will target 82 MMbbl and 108 bcf in the Caley formation, followed by Apus-1 in the eastern section of WA-437-P.
Apus-1 has two targets, potentially holding 235 MMbbl and 408 bcf combined (Caley and Milne).