OTC 2012: Schlumberger recognized for gauges, rotary steerable system
April 26, 2012
Schlumberger has received the OTC Spotlight Award for its signature quartz gauges and the PowerDrive Archer high build rate rotary steerable system.
Schlumberger PowerDrive Archer high build rate rotary steerable system
Schlumberger has received the OTC Spotlight Award for its signature quartz gauges. Schlumberger says that its high-resolution ultra HP/HT signature quartz gauges provide precise, reliable pressure measurements in the most extreme environments. Utilizing ceramic multichip components bonded onto a single substrate, the gauges can withstand pressures up to 30,000 psi at temperatures of 410°F (210°C), and deliver high-resolution pressure measurements at recording rates as fast as 0.1 sec.
Schlumberger was also recognized for the PowerDrive Archer high build rate rotary steerable system. The system has repeatedly and consistently delivered high build rates, at times more than 17°/100 ft, which can maximize reservoir exposure, reduce risk, and increase potential hydrocarbon production.