Norway offers 90 more blocks under latest APA round
May 30, 2019
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
Awards in Predefined Areas 2019 offshore licensing round
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway – Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has opened the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2019 offshore licensing round.
Deadline for applications is noon on Aug. 27, 2019. Awards should follow early in 2020.
Compared with APA 2018, the pre-defined areas have been expanded by five blocks in the North Sea, 37 in the Norwegian Sea, and 48 in the Barents Sea.
Applicants can bid for full blocks or parts of blocks within the predefined areas.
Minister Kjell-Børge Freiberg said: “Awarding prospective acreage is a central element in the government’s policy. I believe the oil companies are well motivated to continuing exploring the NCS [Norwegian continental shelf].”