INPEX joins Petronas in offshore Sarawak PSCs

Feb. 16, 2023
INPEX has entered into production sharing contracts (PSCs) for two blocks offshore Sarawak, awarded under Petronas’ Malaysia Bid Round 2022.

Offshore staff

TOKYO, JAPANINPEX has entered into production sharing contracts (PSCs) for two blocks offshore Sarawak, awarded under Petronas’ Malaysia Bid Round 2022.

Block 4E and Block SK418, northeast of Sarawak, represent the company’s first new exploration licenses off Malaysia since 2012.

Petronas will operate both Block 4E, covering 7,647 sq km in water depths of 120 m to 2,000 m, and the 5,806-sq-km Block SK418 in 120-1,300 m of water. Petroleum Sarawak Exploration & Production is the other partner.
