Lundin ups reserves estimates for two North Sea field areas
Jan. 21, 2022
Lundin Energy sees further upside reserves potential in various parts of the giant Johan Sverdrup field in the Norwegian North Sea.
(Courtesy Lundin Energy)
Johan Sverdrup Phase 1 in the Norwegian North Sea.
Offshore staff
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Lundin Energy sees further upside reserves potential in various parts of the giant Johan Sverdrup field in the Norwegian North Sea, operated by Equinor.
This will likely be developed via further infill drilling, optimized reservoir management, and expansion of increased facilities capacity. Lundin expects upside definition studies to be completed by mid-2022.
Infill wells on the company’s Edvard Grieg reservoir have helped raised reserves by 17%, with ultimate now estimated at 379 MMboe, more than 100% higher than anticipated in the original development plan.
And recent drilling results and early production performance on the Solveig Phase 1 subsea tieback to the Grieg complex have led to an upgrade of 20% in Solveig’s 2P reserves.
Lundin foresees overall recovery potential for the Greater Edvard Grieg Area at 450 MMboe.