Offshore staff
DENVER –dGB Earth Sciences has announced the launch of OpendTect 5.0. This latest version debuted at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists 84th Annual Meeting in Denver.
OpendTect 5.0 advances dGB’s HorizonCube and sequence stratigraphic interpretation capabilities. Key features said dGB include a new interactive HorizonCube tracker workflow for 2D seismic. The new workflow can be used to track single horizons and creates 2D HorizonCubes through a dip-steered tracker in which the user picks horizons at multiple seed positions in both the structural and the Wheeler domains.
The correlated geologic time lines created through the HorizonCube and OpendTect 5.0 can provide new ways to analyze seismic data to increase interpreter understanding of depositional history and to improve the finding stratigraphic traps and to build accurate geologic models.
Many of the new features within OpendTect 5.0 have emerged out of the dGB-led Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation System (SSIS) consortium that includes sponsors such as Saudi Aramco, Statoil, OMV, MOL, and RocOil.
In addition to the new HorizonCube tracker workflow, other features within OpendTect 5.0 include:
· A new graphics library that comes with multi-touch interaction capabilities
· Close integration with MATLAB for numerical computation, visualization, and programming
· The application of post-stack attributes to pre-stack and multi-component datasets and the creation of multi-attribute outputs to pre-stack or multi-component volumes
· Access to new texture attributes through a link-up between dGB and Austrian-based research institute, Joanneum, and Austrian oil and gas company, OMV Aktiengesellschaft.
Version 5.0 will also include enhancements to the OpendTect commercial plugin, SynthRock that combines forward modeling, rock physics and inversion to create and use forward models in qualitative and quantitative seismic interpretation studies. New SynthRock features within OpendTect 5.0 include the ability to generate synthetic gathers from input volumes of Density, and P- and S-wave velocities.