TDI-Brooks completes data acquisition for TGS offshore northwest Africa

April 3, 2020
TDI-Brooks International Inc. (under contract to TGS), has completed the seep-hunting surface geochemical analysis and geotechnical campaign of the MSGBC basin offshore northwest Africa.

Offshore staff

COLLEGE STATION, Texas TDI-Brooks International Inc. (under contract to TGS), has completed the seep-hunting surface geochemical analysis and geotechnical campaign of the MSGBC basin offshore northwest Africa.

The company’s R/V Gyre acquired 80,000 sq km (30,888 sq mi) of high resolution multibeam echo sounder bathymetry and performed the offshore advanced analysis where 80 active hydrocarbon seeps were detected in the multibeam water column data to date.

The R/V Proteus completed Phase 2 performing the coring program which included 260 piston cores, 23 jumbo piston cores, and 23 heat flow measurements. Advanced geochemical analysis of samples is ongoing.

The R/V Gyre is currently performing a further geochemistry analysis program offshore Nigeria. This is the country’s first regional multi-client multibeam and seafloor sampling Study.

After three days of field operation, two prominent water column anomalies and bubble plumes were observed in more than 2,000 m (6,562 ft) water depth with associated surface slicks, the company said. The study will cover an area of about 80,000 sq km of the offshore Niger Delta and will incorporate around 150 cores from the seabed, which target multibeam backscatter anomalies.

To date, the R/V Gyre has collected 65,000 sq km (25,097 sq mi) of multibeam data and identified 431 water column anomalies in the Nigeria study area.
